What is the Challenge?

The 90-Day Challenge is a personal commitment to transform something about your lifestyle.  Some people join the Challenge to lose weight, like I did.  Some people join the Challenge to get fit and eat healthier.  Others join the Challenge to get more energy, like my wife did.  Some people join the Challenge to save money on their groceries and dining bills, like we have. 

We love that the company has a 90-day money-back RESULTS guarantee, which makes taking the Challenge risk free for our friends and family.  We are most excited about the fact that the company donates to a child in need in America for each time a person either loses 10 pounds or puts on 10 pounds of lean muscle. 

There's even an opportunity to get your product for free, and to win a lot of prizes.  The company is actually giving away $10,000 every week to 10 people who either lose 10 pounds or gain 10 pounds of lean muscle!  Plus there are other great prizes just for finishing your Challenge.  Our friends just won a week-long vacation to L.A., which included a $5,000 Beverly Hills shopping spree, professional make-over, photo shoot, spa treatments, and deluxe suite seating at the Laker's game.  Some people even earn money and a BMW bonus promoting the Challenge.

 The video above is about 7 minutes long and explains  about the Challenge.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on how to join the Challenge, or you can click here for more information or to place your order online to Join the Challenge with us now.

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