My first day was June 21, 2012. 

  • By Day 15, I had lost 10 lbs.

  • By Day 17, my blood sugar, which was normally over 200 in the morning with taking insulin, was staying in the low 100s. 

  • By Day 36, I lost 14 lbs.! 

  • By Day 41, my doctor officially told me to STOP THE INSULIN!  I wasn't even halfway through my Challenge yet, and I was almost to my goals!

  • By Day 60, I lost 20 lbs., and I started developing lean muscle mass in my arms. 

  • By Day 90, we saved over $700 on our grocery and eating out bills, and I had lost 25 lbs.

  • Today, I have lost 30 lbs and I am now working on getting into the best shape of my life.  My new goal is to lose my last 20 lbs. and put on at least 10 lbs. of lean muscle.  And when I reach my goal, I will know that I have helped at-risk or obese children in the United States! 

Although it's not designed to be a cure or treatment for any illnesses or diseases, the 90-Day Health & Fitness Challenge is helping me get fit, be healthy, save money, and help children in need!

Day 60:  Down 20 lbs. and several inches gone.  My work pants no longer fit!  

Day 90:  25 lbs. lost, lean muscle developing.  

 My wife and I have joined the millions of people who have experienced great results from taking the Challenge.  Take the Challenge with us, and see what your results are.  Click here for more information about the Challenge. 

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