My wife joined the 90-Day Challenge too. 

She lost 20 lbs. in her first 90 days with NO EXERCISING. 

The Challenge helped her increase her energy levels and to feel great.  

Day 1:  142.6 lbs.  

Day 90:  122 lbs.  

Danielle's Testimony:  Before the challenge, I was in the worse shape of my life. I had just gone to Kaiser and had my doctor do a complete physical, blood work, and other diagnostic tests. I honestly thought I had cancer. I had no energy whatsoever. It felt like I was in a constant state of being in the first trimester of a pregnancy. Whenever anybody asked me how I was doing, my response was "I'm tired". Even just trying to lift my arm took great effort. I had an annoying tingling and numbing feeling all over my legs. I couldn't sleep. I had massive migraines. I was short of breath and just to go up the stairs to our condo winded me. I was totally and completely depressed.

When the doctor found nothing wrong with me through all of the tests she had run, all I could do was cry. The only thing that kept going through my mind was "How can I continue to live like this?"

My diet was all organic, grass fed, holistic, puristic, processed- free, corn-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and free range. I was notorious for being a label reader. I knew my ailments could not have been caused from what I was putting into my body. All of my lab work showed that, at age 44, I was in perfect health! But I was totally miserable.

When ViSalus came into my life, I was a true skeptic. I researched it for three solid days like a detective on a family member murder mystery. Finally, I decided "What the heck do I have to lose?" Within three days, my energy level became like what I had when I was in grade school. And it hasn't stopped since then.

In my first 90 days, I lost 20 pounds, and I only exercised one day. Today, all those former ailments are completely gone! And I can out Zumba people half my age. Thank you, ViSalus, for giving me back my life.  Now it's my turn to pay it forward by helping others and to help a child in need. 

We have joined the millions of people who have experienced great results from taking the Challenge.  Take the Challenge with us, and see what your results are.  Click here for more information about the Challenge. 

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