I'm taking a 90-Day Health & Fitness Challenge to get fit,

be healthy, save money, and to help an at-risk or obese child! 

 Day 1 of the Challenge, weighing 197 lbs. 

Day 90 of the Challenge, weighing 172 lbs.  


                         Day 1 of the 90-Day Fitness Challenge, 197 lbs.

My Goal

I want to live as long as possible for my daughter, Alyia. The photo of us on the right was taken in April 2012.  I weighed nearly 200 lbs.  My first goal was to lose 26 lbs., and get off of the sleep apnea machine, and the medications I'm currently taking.  Results vary for everyone, and this isn't a designed as a cure for any diseases or illnesses, but

So far, I've lost 30 lbs. and I am OFF INSULIN.

If I can do it, so can you!

Now, my extended goal is to get into the best shape of my life and to help my friends and family do the same.  Since my whole life is dedicated to my daughter, I am excited that now when I lose 10 pounds or put on 10 lbs of lean muscle, I will help an at risk or obese child in the United States.  I'm doing this because I care about others. 

I know that I have found the vehicle to achieve these goals with the Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge, because it promotes good nutrition and the right tools to succeed.  That's why I want to share this with everyone.

"Goals give life substance.  To strive actively to achieve some goal gives your life meaning and substance."

--Bruce Lee

Al Day 45

Day 90:  25 lbs. lighter, and an increase in lean muscle.


The photo of me on the left was taken in 2010. 

The photo of me to the right was taken on July 31, 2012. 

My wife says I'm cuter and younger-looking now.  That's worth it right there.  Thank you, Body by Vi!

The 90-Day Challenge

Join the challenge with us to enjoy what we are feeling: better health, higher energy levels, and physical wellness.  Plus we are saving money on our grocery bill!  In our first 90 days, we've saved over $700!  Watch the 1 minute video to the left to see what the nutritional facts are.  Then click the blue link below to learn more about the Challenge.


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